
13/01/2014 10:10

Trello is a program that is used to create and organize schedules. One can create and organize these shedules through calendars, a simple list, etc etc. This is a good way for someone to organize their schedule so they can remember when to do it and that they need to do it. I recently created an account and played around with the program and I was able to create a board for my entertainment and playing purposes. Of course, I can do it for anything. This was just a test. 

This is an example of a board I used to list my entertainment to do list. There are 4 columns I used. The first one is called the "To do" list. This is where I show the things that I need to do and I can also put the due dates as to when I need to do them. The dates will be shown below the activities that I need to do. The dates that are highlighted in green show that this activity is due today and it will expire at noon. The second column shows the things that I am currently doing and the third list shows the things I have already done so I no longer need to go back to them. There are 2 extra columns I can also create if I had any other ideas as to how I can incorporate them into my 3 columns. I made a list for games just in case I need to put them in this list somehow. There are 2 arrows on the side. The red one is pointing towards the members side. This is where I can invite other people to help me with my board and see if they have any ideas for it. The black arrow is showing the history portion. This shows the things I have done to the board in order from the first thing I did to the most recent thing I did in this board. This is a list that must be kept on track otherwise its going to end up useless. 


In this picture I did 2 things. First, I added a sticker into one of the games I put in the 4th list. There can be many purposes for this, but seeing that it is a checkmark, it could mean that the task has been finished and it only needs to be added to the done list. The second thing I did was done in the "done" list. I archived one of the things I had done in the done list and put it in an archived list. Even if I somehow lost it, I can just go to my archive list and return it to the list if needed. 

This is the menu list that can be found on the upper right of the board. The first list shows the filter cards, meaning that only certain cards of your choosing are going to show on the board. The second one on the list is the archived items, which shows all the cards that have been archived. The third list shows the stickers, where I can take stickers and add them to cards. The next is power ups, which I found was an interesting part.Here, I can change my board and give it some extra features. For example: I can get people to vote on my cards, I can also reorganize my list onto a calendar so it would look more clear. The last one is settings, where you can change the settings of your board. 

This is a screenshot of 2 calendars.The top one shows all the activites that must be done in that one day. The second calendar is a more general outline of the calendar that shows the first 2 things that must be done in those days. Of course, one can just click the card on that one day so they can scroll down in order to see the activites/ tasks they need to do for that one day.

When I first entered trello today while I was already signed in, this was the window that popped up. This was a a window that shows the board that I have created ever since I made the trello account. The bottom shows all the boards I have seen and/or created and the list at the top shows the starred boards. I had starred my playing/entertainment board as a way of showing what the starred board list does. This can also be used for a different purpose. This can be used as a way to isolate a board(s) from the rest of the list. It can be because that board is incomplete, or it is the board that one needs to work on the most in terms of finishing the tasks needed within that board. On the top of the screen to the right are 3 tabs. The one on the left is a plus sign, which allows one to add a new board and it will direct them to that board once a name has been selected. The second one shows the account name that they have picked and it will show a list of settings that they can do to edit their account and/or their boards. The third one is a notifications tab. This is where they can see new notifications. Like when someone has made a change in their board, or an update of the board or calendar made by any members involved in it. 

This was a new image of the board I created. In this one, The calendar option is shown on the top right. This is where I can turn my board into a calendar if I need a better way of looking at it. When I click on the calendar, this is the image that pops up. 

This is the calendar that will show up when I click on the calendar tab on my board. This shows the cards I have and the days that I need to finish these tasks. The highlighted slot on the calendar shows todays date. Meaning the cards that I have on the 13th of January should have been already done and put on my Done list on my board. Above the cards will show how many cards there are on that one day just in case there are more in there that the person cannot see. The 2 arrows beside the today tab is a scrolling tab. I can use it to advance one month ahead and see if I need to plan anything in the next month. Or I can scroll up one month behind just in case I see any cards that I need to remember that have an effect on this months events on any day, whether I have done them already or not. If i click on the calendar tab, I can just return back to the board that shows the lists. 

This is a more zoomed in version of the calendar, but instead of the month tab being clicked, I clicked the week tab on the top right below calendar. Here I can see a list of cards that I have put in each day of the current week. This is a good way to ease the overwhelming work one needs to do in an entire month, so instead of focusing on what one needs to do the entire month, they can just zoom in to each week and see what cards they need to do. The highligted tab is todays date, so one can focus only on that date and fill the list of tasks or events to do in that date so they dont need to worry about it the next day. Notice how the arrows have changed from going up and down to left and right. In this part, I can just scroll with each week. One week advanced or one week behind. Its a lot more detailed in terms of organizing than the month calendar, but one can only see the days of a week, not the entire month. 

Even in calendar mode, I can still add and remove cards in certain days. Here, I added a new card, showing a new task I need to do for today. On the options below the add card sections, I can change it from something to do, something im doing, and something I have already done. After I wrote my task down, I can just click the add button and itll add on the list. I can also change the order of card placement in that day to list them in a certain way. It can be from most priority to least, etc. This can be done in any slot, even an empty one.